AIM House Program Phases
Intentions — Actions — Merge — Manifest
“From day one I felt like I belonged here; my mentor, therapists and fellow participants cared about me every step of the way.”
— AIM House Participant
Intentions Phase
Intentions Phase: First
Without intentions, it is very difficult to set goals, therefore we believe it is imperative to clearly state our intentions. An intention may be as simple as time management, however, it is the foundation which paves the way for other goals to materialize. Some participants may need help realizing their intentions, while others are over-ambitious and need help focusing on putting each step in place to achieve their objectives. The intentions phase is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to identify the goals and aspirations they would like to attain while in the program. Participants identify how they can begin working towards these goals and the structure that needs to be integrated into their lives to support this. Length of time is a minimum of two months.
Intentions Phase: Defining Elements
Further integration in program and active participation
Build relationships and rapport with staff and peers
Creation of AIM Plan and Wellness Plan
Initial schedule set-up
Volunteer work
Ongoing individual and group therapy
One-on-one mentor meetings
Academic support
Job search and vocational support
Introduction to creative accelerator program
House obligations such as chores, groups and activities
Outside appointments, such as psychiatrist, sponsor, etc.
Recovery / Wellness support
Intentions Phase: Measurable Objectives
Consistently follow through with weekly schedule
Complete 20 hours of community service
Adhere to program requirements
Ability to clearly articulate coping skills
Demonstrate ability to utilize coping skills
Demonstrate open communication with therapist and lead mentor
Successfully meet Intentions AIM Plan goals
Develop and implement a Wellness Plan

Orientation is the first step a participant moves through in the Intentions Phase. It is designed to give participants the opportunity to “arrive” and settle into the program. In addition, during this time participants begin to establish relationships with their lead mentor, therapist, and peers. Length of time is a minimum of two weeks. Orientation includes a graduated curfew, limited cell phone/computer use, introduction to AIM Plan, groups, meetings and other participants.
2. Actions Phase
Actions Phase: Second
The Actions Phase provides the opportunity to put into action the goals and objectives they have developed in the Intentions Phase. This may not be as easy as it sounds, especially when one has a history of sabotaging personal success with destructive behaviors. During this period, we come face to face with what is getting in the way of actualizing goals. Participants are facing challenges in the real world head-on for the first time since they left primary treatment. This phase is designed to allow participants to experience success in maintaining their individual schedules. Consistency in attending individual as well as group therapy sessions is emphasized. Participants are expected to engage in the maintenance and progress toward therapeutic goals. Length of time is an average of two months.
Actions Phase: Defining Elements
Established consistency with schedule continues
Therapy – focus on underlying issues and family dynamics
One-on-one mentor meetings
Therapeutic growth
Maturation of goals and objectives
Actions Phase: Measurable Objectives
Co-create and follow through with a 30-40 hr. per week schedule of commitments
Complete Actions AIM Plan goals
Consistent follow through with an informed Wellness Plan
Maintain abstinence
Participate in individual and group therapy
Consistently keep room clean and follow through with household responsibilities

"There were times at AIM House where I wanted to leave and go my own way, convinced that I could make it on my own. There were times when I thought I had learned all I could here and that any more of the groups and the rules and the requirements were just a waste of money or time. However, each time I had those thoughts something would remind me of just how important AIM House was to me."
— AIM House Participant
3. Merge Phase
Merge Phase: Third
The Merge Phase is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to practice and integrate what they have learned thus far in the program. Participants have overcome hurdles that normally present themselves during the other phases and are living a life that shows congruency between intentions and actions. They are self-driven, maintain their own schedules, currently working or going to school and have established themselves as leaders in the AIM House community. They are given more freedom and independence to begin exploring and maintaining their own boundaries. Participants are supported in becoming more responsible for maintaining the structure and healthy lifestyle they have created for themselves at AIM House. Participants learn how to identify positive and negative risks in their lives as part of maintaining effective change. The minimum length of time in this phase is one month.
Merge Phase: Defining Elements
Consistent and self-driven schedule and routine
Develop relationships, social networks, and supportive connections within and outside of the AIM House community
Maintain 30-40 hours per week of out-of-house commitments, including a job, an internship, or an academic course load
One-on-one mentor meetings
Plan for transition from AIM House into the Community
Merge Phase: Measurable Objectives
Ability to consistently follow through program requirements
Completion of Merge AIM Plan goals
Design and implementation of Wellness Plan that is reflective of their lives outside of the AIM House
Demonstrate ability to utilize healthy coping skills in new and challenging situations
Develop a capacity to articulate patterns within self and family
Identify and utilize outside sources of support

“From day one I felt like I belonged here; my mentor, therapists and fellow participants cared about me every step of the way.”
— AIM House Participant
4. Manifest Phase
Manifest Phase: Fourth
Having integrated the skills, lessons, and practical applications of the previous phases, participants in the Manifest Phase transition into independent living in the outside community. Participants spend time building a stronger support network outside of AIM House as they gradually move into greater degrees of independence and responsibility. Overall, the Manifest Phase is marked by the fruition of a participant’s hard work in the prior phases and is a highly individualized portion of our program while under the support of an AIM House mentor, therapist, and participant community. Although the length of time is individualized, Manifest Phase can be customized based on individual and familial needs.
Manifest Phase: Measurable Objectives
Transition to living in the community
One-on-one mentor meetings
Individual therapy
Life skills support
Family updates
Academic and Vocational support (groups and individualized)
Continued access to groups and activities
Highly individualized
Manifest Phase: Measurable Objectives
Establish a healthy support system outside of AIM House
Ability to advocate for therapeutic and individual needs
Mastery of independent living skills (maintain employment, academics, budgeting, and self-care)
Identify passions and interests and be able to develop action plans to pursue such interests
Completion of Manifest AIM Plan goals
Academic and Vocational support (groups and individualized)